Here you will find all the classes available to the players in Teresyum. These classes, as the races, are constantly added on and improved as the world develops and the players uncover more of it. Teresyum Original classes have their own links to mechanical information, everything else you will find the source book after it. IMPORTANT: If you would like to multiclass, please consult the Homebrew Rules page.

Very Important: If you are a new player and feel lost just think about a concept, here in Teresyum min-maxing is not as big a part of the game, RP and character concepts rank much higher in progression of character.

General Classes

These are the classes without multi-classing restrictions on them which you can pick from character creation. Keep in mind multi-classing after character creation needs to be done via RP and a teacher/way to learn the new class either NPC or PC.

  • XGE - Xanathar's Guide to Everything

  • PHB - Players Handbook

  • SCAG - Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide

  • RL - Rule of Law

  • UA - Unearthed Arcana

  • GGR - Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica

  • CFS - The Compendium of Forgotten Secrets

  • TCE - Tasha’s Caultron of Everything

  • MOT - Mythic Odyssey of Theros

  • FTD - Fitsban’s Treasury of Dragons


Mechanical Information

  • Alchemist

  • Armorer

  • Artillerist

  • Battle Smith


  • Path of the Berserker (PHB)

  • Path of the Totem Warrior (PHB, SCAG)

  • Path of the Battlerager (SCAG)

  • Path of the Ancestral Guardian (XGE)

  • Path of the Storm Herald (XGE)

  • Path of the Zealot (XGE)

  • Path of Wild Magic (TCE)

  • Path of the Beast (TCE)


  • College of Lore (PHB)

  • College of Valor (PHB)

  • College of Glamour (XGE)

  • College of Swords (XGE)

  • College of Whispers (XGE)

  • The College of Eloquence (TCE)

  • College of Creation

  • College of Fools (homebrew)

  • College of Conspiracy (homebrew)

  • College of Spirits


  • Knowledge Domain (PHB)

  • Life Domain (PHB)

  • Light Domain (PHB)

  • Nature Domain (PHB)

  • Tempest Domain (PHB)

  • Trickery Domain (PHB)

  • War Domain (PHB)

  • Arcana Domain (SCAG)

  • Civilization Domain (RL) homebrew

  • Travel Domain (RL) homebrew

  • Grave Domain (XGE)

  • Peace Domain (TCE)

  • Order Domain (TCE)

  • Twilight Domain (TCE)


  • Circle of the Land (PHB)

  • Circle of the Moon (PHB)

  • Circle of Dreams (XGE)

  • Circle of the Shepard (XGE)

  • Circle of Spores (TCE)

  • Circle of Twilight (UA) homebrew

  • Circle of Stars

  • Circle of Wildfire (TCE) 

  • Circle of the Dark Star Druid (homebrew)



  • Champion (PHB)

  • Battle Master (PHB)

  • Eldritch Knight (PHB)

  • Purple Dragon Knight (SCAG)

  • Banneret (RL) homebrew

  • Arcane Archer (XGE)

  • Cavalier (XGE)

  • Samurai (XGE)

  • The Echo Knight (EGW)

  • Warsmith (homebrew)

  • Wiccan Warrior (homebrew)

  • The Grimm (homebrew)


  • Way of the Open Hand (PHB)

  • Way of the Shadow (PHB)

  • Way of the Four Elements (PHB)

  • Way of the Long Death (SCAG)

  • Way of the Sun Soul (SCAG)

  • Way of the Drunken Master (XGE)

  • Way of the Kensei (XGE)

  • Way of the Sun Soul (XGE)

  • Way of Mercy (homebrew)

  • Way of the Astral Self (TCE) 

  • Way of the Ascendant Dragon Monk (FTD)


  • Oath of Devotion (PHB)

  • Oath of the Ancients (PHB)

  • Oath of Vengeance (PHB)

  • Oath of the Crown (SCAG)

  • Oath of Zeal (Rule of Law)

  • Oath of Conquest (XGE)

  • Oath of Redemption (XGE)

  • Oath of Glory (MOT)

  • Oath of the North Star (homebrew)

Pugilist (homebrew)

Mechanical Information

  • Arena Royale

  • Bloodhound Bruisers

  • Doug & Hound

  • Piss & Vinegar

  • The Squared Circle

  • The Sweet Science 


  • Hunter (PHB)

  • Beast Master (PHB)

  • Gloom Stalker (XGE)

  • Horizon Walker (XGE)

  • Monster Slayer (XGE)

  • Fey Wanderer (TCE)

  • Swarmkeeper (TCE)

  • Protector of the Green (homebrew)

  • Drakewarden Ranger (FTD)


  • Thief (PHB)

  • Arcane Trickster (PHB)

  • Assassin (PHB)

  • Mastermind (SCAG)

  • Swashbuckler (SCAG)

  • Vigilante (Google Drive)

  • Inquisitive (XGE)

  • Mastermind (XGE)

  • Scout (XGE)

  • Swashbuckler (XGE)

  • The Sawbones (homebrew)

  • Nightingale (homebrew)


  • Draconic Bloodline (PHB)

  • Wild Magic (PHB)

  • Giant Soul Sorcerer (UA)

  • Storm Sorcery (SCAG)

  • Imperial Ancestry (Rule of Law) homebrew

  • Divine Soul (XGE)

  • Shadow Magic (XGE)

  • Storm Sorcery (XGE)

  • Aberrant Mind

  • Clockwork Soul (TCE)

  • Stone Sorcery (UA) 

  • Judgement (homebrew)

Vessel of the Arcane (homebrew)

Mechanical Information

  • Study of the Spell Blade

  • Study of the Hexcrafter

  • Study of the Magister

  • Study of the Body


  • The Archfey (PHB)

  • The Fiend (PHB)

  • The Great Old One (PHB)

  • The Undying (SCAG)

  • The Eternal Citadel (homebrew)

  • The Gelatinous Conviction (homebrew)

  • The Gray Portrait (homebrew)

  • The Perfect Chord (homebrew)

  • The Shadowcat (homebrew)

  • The Storm Lord (homebrew)

  • The Weaver of Lies (homebrew)

  • The Wild Huntsman  (homebrew)

  • The Celestial (XGE)

  • The Genie (TCE)

  • The Seeker (UA) homebrew

  • The Raven Queen (UA) homebrew


  • School of Abjuration (PHB)

  • School of Conjuration (PHB)

  • School of Divination (PHB)

  • School of Enchantment (PHB)

  • School of Evocation (PHB)

  • School of Illusion (PHB)

  • School of Necromancy (PHB)

  • School of Transmutation (PHB)

  • War Magic (XGE)

  • Graviturgy Magic (EGW)

  • Chronurgy Magic (EGW with slight lore changes)

  • School of Invention (UA) homebrew

  • Order of Scribes (TCE)

  • School of Muscle (homebrew)

Special RP Requirements Classes

These classes you cannot start in and can only progress towards, or are classes that have special RP restrictions that must be done at character creation. If there is no mechanical information about them it means the players who have achieved them have not chosen to share it or they do not fully know their powers. Additionally in some cases these are also no-multiclass but that is a case by case decision made by a Saga Admin. Please check with a Saga Admin before attempting to multiclass with any of the following classes.


  • Forge Domain (XGE) - Racially restricted to Forger (Mountain) Dwarves 


  • Soul Knight (homebrew) must be discovered

  • Rune Knight (TCE) must be discovered


  • Oath of Treachery (UA) homebrew

  • Oath of the Watchers (TCE) intro RP



  • Phoenix Sorcerer (UA) must be discovered


  • The Accursed Archive (homebrew) must be discovered

  • The Warrior-Saint (homebrew) intro RP


  • Arcane Tradition Techomancy (UA) homebrew intro RP

  • Bladesinging (TCE) Racially restricted to Elves and Half Elves

Prestige Class Options