
Weekly Meeting

8 pm BST/ 7 pm UTC


  • Through She's Gate (RP's of the past or lore questions

    about not currently ran content)

  • Suggestions and Discussion (Talk about things that you want to see in a game and see if the DM is interested in adding them)

  • Open Forum (Talk about anything but mostly about what happened in other campaigns/games)

Vorpal Storytellers

8 pm BST/7 pm UTC (Biweekly Tuesday)

(Closed Campaign, can listen in)

The Vorpal Storytellers are whose adventures range from wacky to tragic, the Vorpal storytellers care about eachother and those close to them, while they occasionally dabble in saving the world here and there costumed shenaniganry, love stories, pie baking and even full on rock concerts are just around the corner.


Belafora Legacy Lost

8 pm BST/ 7 pm UTC (Biweekly Tuesday)

(Open campaign, text and Voice, can listen in)

The Fox's Oddysey is the name of the group trying to help young Tasiv travel the land back to Belafora to claim some unknown Legacy. Mystery, power, tragedy and a lot of eyes watching on this group as they embark in the first true adventurer's quest that the world has seen in hundreds of years. With a caravan filled with adventurers and frustrated donkey, Tasiv is hopeful they will continue to make new friends and learn more about the changes that are happening to the world now that magic and adventurers are back.

The Overseer: Legacy Race Epic Adventure 

6-7 pm BST Start/ 5-7 pm UTC start

(Open only to those who have completed Ascension, can listen in)

With the heroes and protectors of the previous age mysterious gone the new Guard must take over. Each a survivor of the Era of Ascendancy with hundreds of years of adventuring or surviving in the Chrome under their belt. They engage in a race for the future of the Chromoverse itself, their decisions alongside the way will rock the world as they battle titanic villains and imprisoned ancient evils who have now escaped. The fate of the universe rest in their hands, what will they do with it?


D6 Ascension

8 pm BST /7 pm UTC

(Closed Campaign, can listen)

A group of 4 friends decide to take the very long journey of ascension in order to claim powers beyond their limitations and become Epic adventurers. In their efforts they have found the journey is long and hard, testing them in both known and unknown ways, decided to take their time the Defenders as they call their group forge their path forward together with caution and a keen awareness of the value of history.



The Dead Campaign

(Open Campaign, can listen)

You awake within the world between worlds, The Ethereal Realm, standing on unsolid ground, at first like a daze that doesn't go away, you feel nothing, you are nothing now but DEAD. Wait... you died. But that's not right, why can you think then, why are you awake. It feels wrong, like something has fundamentally gone wrong. For some it takes weeks for others months but eventually you awareness is joined by sensation. And once that happens a wave of green energy hits and everything is clear. You can see everything is misty and the real world is a mirage, the Ethereal Plane superimposed on it like a forced reality that refuses to stay solid, things constantly shift and change in small ways around you and taking one step can move you from within history and time, all things the world remembers like a thousand towers of babel stacking up with each memory of the land and its people. Level 10 Adventure.