Homebrew Feats

These homebrew feats are modifications to feats provided from any wizards source for Teresyum or custom feats for the server.




  • You gain proficiency with leatherworker’s and smith’s tools. If you are already proficient with them, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with them.
  • You are able to refine armor in a variety of ways. Over 12 hours, you can modify one piece of non magical armor to either remove its disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, or to give it resistance to either acid or cold damage. You must have smith’s tools or leatherworker’s tools, as appropriate to the type of armor, as well as access to a sufficient heat source and materials worth the base cost of the armor, which are consumed, to use this benefit. You can't apply multiple modifications to a single suit of armor with this feature.


  • You are a creative, learning a variety of artistic crafts. You gain the following benefits: You gain proficiency in one tool and you increase one stat by 1, determined by what tool you choose. If you were already proficient in the chosen tool, you can add double your proficiency modifier to the checks you make while using these tools.

Magical Item Master

  • You can take this feat multiple times
  • You gain an additional 10 Power Point Capacity

Barbed Hide

Prerequisite: Tainted Race One of your ancestors was a barbed devil or other spiky fiend. Barbs protrude from your head. You gain the following benefits:

Increase your Constitution or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20. As a bonus action, you can cause small barbs to protrude all over your body or cause them to retract. At the start of each of your turns while the barbs are out, you deal 1d6 piercing damage to any creature grappling you or any creature grappled by you. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.

Elven Accuracy

Revised Elven Accuracy Prerequisite: Elf or half-elf The accuracy of elves is legendary, especially that of elf archers and spellcasters. You have uncanny aim with attacks that rely on precision rather than brute force. You gain the following benefits:

Increase your Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20 Whenever you have advantage on an attack roll using Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, you can reroll one of the dice once. The extra die roll cannot cause the attack to become a critical hit.

Human Determination

Prerequisite: Human You are filled with a determination that can draw the unreachable within your reach. You gain the following benefits:

Increase one ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20. When you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can do so with advantage. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Orcish Aggression

Prerequisite: Half-orc, Orc

As a bonus action, you can move up to your speed toward an enemy of your choice that you can see or hear. You must end this move closer to the enemy than you started.

Wonder Maker

Prerequisite: Gnome (rock) You master the tinker techniques of your people. You gain the following benefits:

Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20. When you make a check using your proficiency with tinker's tools, you add double your proficiency bonus to the check. When you make a device with your Tinker trait, you have the following additional options for what you make: Alarm. This device senses when a creature moves to within 15 feet of it without speaking aloud a password chosen when you create it. One round after a creature moves into range, the alarm makes a shrill ringing that lasts for 1 minute and can be heard from up to 300 feet away. Calculator. This device makes doing sums easy. Lifter. This device can be used as a block and tackle, allowing its user to hoist five times the weight the user can normally lift. Timekeeper. This pocket watch keeps accurate time. Weather Sensor. When used as an action, this device predicts weather conditions in a 1-mile radius over the next 4 hours, showing one symbol (clouds, sun/moon, rain, or snow) for each hour.


You charge towards the opponent, before taking this bonus action or action. If you choose to use a Action you must move at least 10 feet within a straight line and make any target in your movement past the 10 feet set-up make opposed Athletics/Acrobatics check or fall prone, this does not impede people from taking OA's at you and the first target who makes it stops your charge. If you use this as a bonus action you must move at least 30 feet in a straight line and if nothing impedes your movement when you reach the target you can add +5 to your damage.

Mounted adept

You have mounted training that allows you to effectively control a mount in the chaos of battle. You gain the following benefits: You gain proficiency in Animal Handling. Over the course of 2 hours, which can be done during a rest, you can designate a mount as your steed. Your steed becomes trained to answer your commands without hesitation. While riding your steed, you can use your action to command it to use any of its actions. For each level you gain after 3rd, your steed an additional Hit Die and increases its hitpoints. (This benefit has no effect if another feature has already improved the creature's Hit Dice. Additionally this feature can not apply to a companion or player character that is action as your mount.)

Mounted Mage:

Prerequisites: The ability to cast at least one spell. You are trained in the use of magic from horseback. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in Animal Handling.
  • When you cast a spell targeting yourself while mounted, you can also affect your mount with the spell. These effects are only active as long as you are mounted, and end if you dismount the creature for any reason.
  • Any time your mount would be forced to make a saving throw against a single target spell you may choose to redirect that spell so that you are the target instead.

Spear Mastery

Though the spear is a simple weapon to learn, it rewards you for the time you have taken to master it. You gain the following benefits:

You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with a spear. When you use a spear, its damage die changes from a d6 to a d8, and from a d8 to a d10 when wielded with two hands. (This benefit has no effect if another feature has already improved the weapon's die.) You can set your spear to receive a charge. As a bonus action, choose a creature you can see that is at least 20 feet away from you. If that creature moves within your spear's reach on its next turn, you can make a melee attack against it with your spear as a reaction. If the attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d8 piercing damage, or an extra 1d10 piercing damage if you wield the spear with two hands. You can't use this ability if the creature used the Disengage action before moving.

Thrown Weapon Master:

You are an expert at the techniques of throwing weapons. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls you make with thrown weapons.
  • Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls with thrown weapons.
  • You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one handed melee weapons you are wielding aren't light, if at least one of them has the thrown property

Whip Mastery:

You have mastered the strange and difficult art of using a whip in combat. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with a whip.
  • When you use a whip, its damage die increases from a d4 to a d6. (This benefit has no effect if another feature has already improved the weapon’s die.)
  • Whenever you have advantage on a melee attack roll you make with a whip and hit, you can knock a weapon or another item from the target's grasp if the lower of the two d20 rolls would also hit the target.


  • Fighting for an audience is your forte, and you maximize the use of more exotic weapons to show off your prowess. You gain the following benefits:
    • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in Performance.
  • You gain proficiency with nets, and when you use the Attack action and attack with a net, you can use a bonus action to attack with a one-handed weapon you are holding. Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your attack rolls with a net, and the escape DC for your nets increases by your proficiency bonus.

Chromic Exception:

Prerequisites : Spellcasting, Must be of a Level you can cast.

You may select one spell from the Warlock, Druid, Bard, or Cleric spell list, and can cast this spell once per long rest expending the spell slot. This spell uses the original classes spell casting modifier for attack rolls and save DC. You cannot take 9th level spells, but you can take this feat multiple times.

Epic feat: Revised Extraordinary Focus

You can concentrate with precision and discipline even through the most trying of circumstances. You gain the following benefits.

• When you take 50 or less damage while you are concentrating on a spell, magical effect, or other feature, you automatically succeed on your Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration.

• Whenever you take damage while you are concentrating on a spell, magical effect, or other feature and you attempt a Constitution saving throw to maintain your concentration, the DC for that saving throw equals 25 percent of the damage you took (rounded down) or 10, whichever number is higher.

• If you are able to be taught a skill, technique, or profession, you can fully learn that skill, technique, or profession in half the usual amount of time required.

The Gift of the Dragons

The Three Gift of the Dragons Feats from Fitsban's Treasury of Dragons are available but have the following name changes for the setting:

  • Gift of Metallic Dragon to Gift of Helinic Dragon

  • Gift of the Chromatic Dragon to Gift of the Scythean Dragon

  • Gift of the Gem Dragon to Gift of the Crystal Dragon

Blade Mastery

You master the shortsword, longsword, scimitar, rapier, and greatsword. You gain the following benefits when using any of them:

You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with the weapon. On your turn, you can use your reaction to assume a parrying stance, provided you have the weapon in hand. Doing so grants you a +1 bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn or until you're not holding the weapon. When you make an opportunity attack with the weapon, you have advantage on the attack roll.

Bow Mastery:

Bows are used by many, but you have trained to make the most of these elegant weapons. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls you make with short-bows and longbows.
  • When you use the Attack action with a shortbow on your turn, you can make one ranged weapon attack as a bonus action.
  • You can use Strength instead of Dexterity for the attack and damage rolls you make with longbows.

Blowdart Mastery:

You have mastered the careful application of blowguns and darts. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls you make with blowguns and darts.
  • Your ranged attacks with blowguns use a d4 for damage.
  • When you are hidden from a creature and attack it with a blowgun or dart, missing an attack does not reveal your position.
  • You ignore the loading property of blowguns.

Fell Handed

You master the handaxe, battleaxe, greataxe, warhammer, and maul. You gain the following benefits when using any of them:

You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with the weapon. Whenever you have advantage on a melee attack roll you make with the weapon and hit, you can knock the target prone if the lower of the two d20 rolls would also hit the target. If you use the Help action to aid an ally's melee attack while you're wielding the weapon, you knock the target's shield aside momentarily. In addition to the ally gaining advantage on the attack roll, the ally gains a bonus to the roll equal to the total bonus that the shield would give if the target is using a shield.

Flail Mastery

The flail is a tricky weapon to use, but you have spent countless hours mastering it. You gain the following benefits:

You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make with a flail. As a bonus action on your turn, you can prepare yourself to extend your flail to sweep over targets' shields. Until the end of this turn, you ignore any ac granted by an opponent's a shield.

Revised Heavy Armor Master

Prerequisites: Proficiency with heavy armor

You can use your armor to deflect strikes that would kill others. You gain the following benefits: Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20. While you are wearing heavy armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take weapons is reduced by 3.