Character Creation Guide

 Important rule for Teresyum lore: General Lore in the DnD books does NOT apply to Teresyum. We are a homebrew setting, constantly adapting and building a bigger and evolving world.

    We play most of our games over voice in discord many of which using roll20 for large maps/battle maps. At any point if a map is no being used and you feel as though you would like one just ask the DM and a map will be provided.

Character Sheet & how to get it

   Now that you have obtained all the materials necessary, you can create your sheet. This can be shared through server through the gsheet. This can be done through the following steps:

Click this link. - NEW CHAR SHEET LINK Link

*Optional (Recommended for advanced players) - Link

Once you are on the sheet click File → Make a Copy to your GSheet.

Fill out the sheet with your character information.

When completed, click File → Share. Copy the “Anyone with the link can view” link.

In the #dndbot channel of our server, write !gsheet (link you just copied). This will upload your sheet so you can roll inside of games.

After your sheet is uploaded, place the same link in #character-sheet-approving and wait until your sheet is reviewed by a DM so you may begin playing.

Determining  stats & finishing touches

   Now that you have your character sheet, something about our point buy. In Teresyum this is done in the Official Rolls channel, and you must announce that you are rolling a character. Then you may roll using the command !randchar (which effectively is 4d6d1). Other methods include standard array, the 24d6 method in the image above, or point buy(the same as in the PHB)

POINT BUY - Instead of rolling for stats you may instead use the point buy system. You have 32 points and the max stat you can gain through this method is 18. Use the link below and go into custom settings and edit it to max stat 18 and 32 points total. Your minimum stat is an 8. LINK 

Mulligan - You can mulligan your first roll into the same or a different rolling method but you have to take the second result, you cannot take the first.

After the 1st roll, you may also choose to discard those rolls and use point buy 

Note - Your character’s stats cannot go below 3 during character creation, if a racial or anything else makes your stat go below 3 then your sheet is invalid. 

Additionally, you can -2 to one stats and add 1 to another. For example, you can -2 from a stat of 10 to make it an 8 and add 1 to a 15 to make it a 16. You can only do it once and cannot use this to increase a stat above 18 before racial bonuses. 

Everything else about your character creation process is the same as the process within the Player's Handbook Core Book.

  Finally, you have your stats, you have your sheet, your starting level is 1. Work with your DM on the backstory.

     Your next Step - After you have a character sheet with everything filled out and a background, place it in the #character-sheet-approving channel. You can check the channel’s pinned messages for more information. A dungeon master or council member will look it over at their earliest convenience and either approve it or give you feedback.